Expert Tips for Homeowners

Homeowner tips from industry experts 

Air Conditioning Tips

  • Replace your filters every 30 to 60 days. If you have a permanent filter, clean it with a mild detergent, per manufacturer’s recommendations, every 30 to 60 days.
  • Air conditioning manufacturer recommends having the equipment tuned-up annually. These tune-ups pay for themselves when the technicians tweak the systems for peak performance. Maintenance is a great way for homeowners to have the peace of mind that their equipment has been taken care and should be working at the efficiency levels they originally paid for.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat. By doing so, you can program the thermostat to turn down your air conditioning/heat for you when you leave for work when no one is home and after you go to bed when everyone is asleep. A programmable thermostat can run anywhere from $110 to $250 installed.
  • Depending on the size of your home, you can save 3% on your cooling costs for every degree you raise your thermostat in the summer. Raising the thermostat from 73 to 78 degrees can mean savings of up to 15% in cooling costs.
  • Fans can make your air conditioner’s job easier while saving you money. Pedestal and ceiling fans improve the air circulation in your home, allowing you to raise the air conditioner’s thermostat. In moderate heat, fans can sometimes completely replace air conditioners. Ceiling fans use only about one tenth the electricity of a typical home air conditioner, and therefore cost only one-tenth as much to operate

Plumbing Tips

  • Toilets consume more than 40% of your total water usage. Installation of a new toilet flapper and fill valve will keep your toilet running efficiently.
  • Conserve energy by checking the temperature setting on your water heater. It should not be above 120°F or medium setting on older models.
  • Replacing an old shower head can save up to 7.5 gallons of water per minute without sacrificing full spray action at low or high water pressures.
  • A leaky faucet that drips once per second can waste more than 8 gallons a day. That’s 3,000 gallons per year!
  • Don’t use excessive amounts of detergents, bleach or chemicals that may kill the natural bacteria in your septic system.
  • Contact Maples Mechanical if your home needs special evaluations or check out some more resources on plumbing tips!